Partnership Expanded Benefits

In addition to the basic benefits included with your partnership (detailed here), there are several additional paid benefits for our partners, including:


  • Deluxe Partner Page with full page listing, color logo, photography, and unlimited ad copy
  • A 2” x 2” Banner Ad that rotates throughout the website and links directly to your website
  • Additional Classic Listings for partners who wish to display their business in more than one category
  • More information is available here or contact our Partner Services Manager at (907) 225-6166 or at to set these up.


  • Narrative Listings in the travel guide to add a description to your basic listing
  • Additional Basic Listings in the travel guide for partners who wish to display their business in more than one category
  • Display Advertising in the travel guide from 1/8 page to a whole page, to showcase your business
  • Advertisement on the pull-out Ketchikan map
  • Guide advertising is offered during the last quarter of the year of the previous year. As a partner, you will be contacted directly with more information. 


  • Distribution of your brochure to 13 key locations throughout Ketchikan. More information
  • Direct Line Reservation System (at Visitor Centers, Ferry Terminal and/or Airport) More information
  • Video Display Advertising (at Visitor Centers and/or Airport) More information
  • Tour Center Sales Booths rental in the Berth 2 Visitor Center
  • Visitor mailing lists for purchase (mail and email)
  • Co-Op Advertising opportunities
  • And more opportunities throughout the year!
  • For more information, contact our Partner Services Manager at (907) 225-6166 or at
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