Partner Benefits

As a Ketchikan Visitors Bureau (KVB) partner, you benefit from a range of marketing opportunities, including: a listing in our annual printed Visitor Guide; a listing and special offer on this website; brochure distribution at each of our Visitor Information Centers; media opportunities; marketing education; networking opportunities and more.



The website can be accessed globally, and is top ranking on all related Ketchikan tourism online searches. With the KVB’s ongoing marketing research and site updates, it is a top source for visitor information. Partner businesses enjoy free and paid benefits that allow them to have an online presence, increase their online exposure, and directly reach their target customers. The website receives over 1 million page views a year.

Included with partnership:

  • Basic Partner Listing on (includes Business Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email & Website buttons)
  • One seasonal and one year-round Special Offer Ad on the Special Offers Page
  • Visitor Statistics Report on impressions and clicks for your listing and/or Special Offer delivered in a monthly email report


Annually, the KVB produces and distributes the Official Ketchikan Travel Guide. The Ketchikan Travel Guide is available in print and digital form and is distributed to potential visitors, travel agents, tour operators, and numerous other travel industry resources. The Travel Guide is also available in Ketchikan and provides information for visitors already in town. The guide does include the pull-out Ketchikan map. The printed guides are distributed to 85,000 visitors annually, in addition to thousands of online downloads.

Included with partnership:

  • Basic Listing in the Ketchikan Travel Guide (includes Company Name, Address, Phone, Email, Website and optional Marketing symbols)

  • Copies of the Ketchikan Travel Guide are available for distribution at your place of business


The KVB operates two Visitor Information Centers in downtown Ketchikan at Berth 2 and Berth 3. We maintain visitor displays, video screens, and more, at multiple locations throughout Ketchikan. The KVB also offers training, resources and events for partner businesses including a digital photo library, Alaska Host training, co-op advertising opportunities, and media exposure. Our Visitor Centers welcome and assist over 250,000 visitors each year.

Included with partnership:

  • Display space for your brochure in our Berth 2 (year-round) and Berth 3 (seasonal) Visitor Centers
  • Access to professional Ketchikan photography from our digital library
  • AlaskaHost and other training opportunities
  • Annual Cruise Ship Calendar and real-time updates of schedule/berth changes
  • Subscription to our Partners newsletter, invitations to all KVB events with opportunities to network with area businesses, officials and travel trade representatives
  • Inclusion in our Media Pass Program and access to visiting members of the media

As a partner, you also have an opportunity to take advantage of additional paid benefits. Click here for more information about these benefits.

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